6 Stunning Date Night Makeup Tutorials to Leave Them Speechless

Show of hands: How many use date night makeup tutorials before going out?

Date night is usually a big thing so you’re often wanting to look your best. This isn’t just to impress your date but to feel good, lookin’ spectacular wherever you’re going. You probably have your daily makeup routine down pat – but going out on dates is a little different… you wanna leave them speechless.

Nicole and I slogged through a bunch of date night makeup tutorials on YouTube. Then, decided to do a round-up to give you some great inspiration before the big date. These tutorials will have you looking glamorous and stunning, no doubt, so let’s get right into the list.

Transform Yourself with these Date Night Makeup Tutorials

Whether your makeup is a collection from CVS or Walgreens or you’re a regular to Sephora or got one of those makeup subscription boxes… sometimes you want to look your best to impress. We think you’ll find at least one date night makeup tutorial in this list you’ll love.

Michelle Tapia’s Romantic Fall Date Night Makeup Tutorial

Talk about a routine! Michelle uses 12 makeup products to define her fall date night look. If you’ve got the full supplies from primer to lashes then this is the tutorial for you.

Sarahy Delarosa’s Summer Date Night Makeup Tutorial

Sarahy’s transformation in this video is jaw-dropping! In 21-minutes, she takes you through a thorough routine to have your skin glowing to perfection. We think this would make for a fantastic look when doing the ol’ dinner & movie date!

Rachel Leary’s Date Night Makeup for Blue Eyes

We noticed a lot of people are looking for makeup ideas for blue eyes. Makes sense because it’s pretty easy to overshadow them with everything else. Doing Rachel’s routine will give you a penetrating gaze that’ll make them melt.

Jessica Clement’s Natural Smokey Eye Tutorial

Jessica’s natural makeup tutorial is the type of routine usually met with the “see, I told you looked great without makeup!” and “…” exchange. You won’t need a ton of makeup to pull off this look. Check it out if you want to downplay a bit while still looking great.

Sona Gasparian’s Makeup Tutorial for Brown Eyes

Some think “blah” about their muddy-looking eyes but you’ve gotta own it! This YT vid is more a general routine, but we think it would go great as a holder for your date night makeup for brown eyes. Sona wants you to apply with intensity (but not too overboard), give this a try to see how you’ll look.

Nellie Robert’s Date Night Makeup Transformation

Nellie does an amazing job at breaking down exactly what you’re going to need to pull off this stunning date night look. You’re looking at nearly 19 items which does seem like a little much buuuut the extra effort goes a long way in wooing them.

Go Out Glowing!

We know it’s a lot of effort doing up your makeup before date night so we hope the rest of the night goes perfectly for you in every way!

Sometimes going natural is perfectly fine like doing a bowling date or just catching a good flick at a drive-in. Other times you want to look your best and go all out. It doesn’t have to be too expensive getting ready or take up a ton of time.

Got a tip or suggestion? Leave a comment below. Plus, share this with someone you know about to head out on a date with that special someone

Show of hands: How many use date night makeup tutorials before going out? Date night is usually a big thing so you’re often wanting to look your best. This isn’t just to impress your date but to feel good, lookin’ spectacular wherever you’re going. You probably have your daily makeup routine down pat – but…